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Subcommittee on languages

The Vocabulary Contest in Indigenous Languages


  • Organize information on the history of losing languages of indigenous peoples and Pingpu ethnic groups, measures to ban the use of indigenous languages, processes of which writing systems were developed and eliminated, and efforts to re-establish and preserve indigenous languages. Produce and publish videos or dictionaries of indigenous language.

  • Propose recommendations regarding methods for preserving indigenous languages.


Subcommittee Convener


Associate Research Fellow


Project Assistant

Liao, Yen-Chi
Pan, Ching
Drangadrang Galingasan

Related Agencies

Education and Culture Department, Council of Indigenous Peoples

Ministry of Education

Ministry of Culture

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I know that even now, there are some around us who see no need to apologize. But that is the most important reason why I am representing the government to issue this apology today.

President Tsai Ing-wen

To see what was unfair in the past as a matter of course, or to treat the pain of other ethnic peoples as an unavoidable part of human development, this is the first mindset that we, standing here today, resolve to change and overturn.

President Tsai Ing-wen

The success of one ethnic people can be built on the suffering of another. Unless we deny that we are a country of justice, we must face up to this history. We must tell the truth. And then, most importantly, the government must genuinely reflect on this past. This is why I stand here today.

President Tsai Ing-wen